Bushcraft Elective
Music Class During a Pandemic

What do you do in Music Class during a Pandemic when you can't sing? Contrary to popular belief, Music Class is not all about singing, there are so many things children can experience through Music Class, and important lessons to be learned that will carry them through life.
For little ones, exploring music through a variety of ways and learning to listen quietly is an important lesson. Our Early Childhood and Primary students listen to a piece of classical music with their eyes closed and then draw what they saw in their mind. We called this Musical Sketching and they loved it! Their favorite game also involved listening as they would have to close their eyes and guess which instrument was missing in a group of instruments all being played at the same time. Very rarely in a typical day do we have time to simply sit and listen to the world around us, but the benefits are great!
3rd Graders worked on composing Music for Video Game concepts they created! The creativity the students have is amazing, and when they are able to tape into that in a way that interests them, their passion grows!
4th & 5th graders were able to learn Bucket Drumming this year! This new unit began as a way to be able to safely play an instrument in class this year, but will become a new tradition as the kids loved it so much! Not only did this allow them to learn about Beat, Rhythm, and Rhythm Patterns, but they also composed their own bucket groove and competed in a friendly "Battle of the Bands" to end the unit. You can see the 4th grade Battle of the Bands Video HERE
Middle School worked on Music Technology this year. They created and composed songs using a variety of Music Apps. They also learned about different genres of Music and researched bands such as The Beetles.
Music builds confidence, and it was so great to see students growing in their confidence this year through the Arts!
A special thanks to Menards for the donation of buckets!