Endowment Fund
The School Endowment Fund provides a consistent source of revenue for the school to ensure access for all. There’s a strong, three-sourced financial foundation for the school: parish support, tuition and the endowment fund. One distinguishing characteristic of the endowment fund is that distributed funds are only from investment earnings, not from the principal balance (total of all gifts to the fund).
Since inception, the Endowment Fund has provided over $1,500,000 in School support. The first distribution, $10,000, was made in the 1987-88 school year. The most recent distribution was $90,000 for the 2019-20 school year. The targeted Annual Distribution Rate is 4%, based on the average balance over a 36 month period.
One-time gift: Make a gift online at www.qopc.org or drop a donation at the Parish Center during normal business hours.
Offertory: There’s the option to donate directly to the Endowment Fund each month, weekly or as desired through envelopes or online giving.
Gift option: Perfect for a graduation, holiday, or memorial gift—the gift that keeps on giving.
Leave a lasting legacy: Consider this fund in any will or estate plan. *All donations to this fund are tax deductible. Questions? Contact the Development Director at 608.231.4600.